Chronic Constipation in Infants
Once your infant's pediatrician gives you the go-ahead to include water in your infant's diet, then start with no more than 2 to 4 ounces.
Prune Juice
Prune juice acts as a natural laxative in softening the stool. Start by giving 2 ounces to help your child.
If your infant is eating cereals, the May Clinic advises giving them barley cereal, or baby foods such as pears, peaches, or peas, which have higher contents of natural fiber.
Never give your infant Karo syrup, mineral oil or laxatives. Karo syrup can cause diarrhea, and may even contain bacterial spores such as botulism.
Formulas with Iron
If your infant is bottle fed, speak with your child's pediatrician to see if your infant is receiving too much iron. Increased iron intake can cause constipation.
If your child is unable to have a bowel movement in more than three to five days, or if constipation is followed with nausea/vomiting, or irritability, seek immediate help. This may be a possible bowel obstruction or other serious medical condition.