How to Get the Colon to Move
Get rid of unhealthy foods. Foods that are hard to digest and low in nutrients should be eliminated from the diet. Some examples include deep-fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods that are high in saturated fat.
Drink more water. Water serves many purposes in the body. It helps keep you hydrated, it lubricates the joints, it helps metabolize fat, it flushes toxins from the system, and it also aids in digestion. Women should consume 2.2 liters a day and men should consume 3 liters a day, according to the Institute of Medicine.
Increase your fiber intake. Two types of fiber are beneficial to the body: soluble and insoluble. They help to push wastes along in the colon, which promotes regularity. Some examples of both types of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oat bran and psyllium husks. Women should get 20 g of fiber a day and men should get 30 g a day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.
Take some herbs. There is a collection of herbal supplements that can be taken to help move wastes along in the colon. The herbs not only promote elimination but also kill parasites and make the colon function more optimally. Some of these include fennel seed, aloe vera, papaya fruit, buckthorn bark, passion fruit and peppermint leaf.
Get a colonic. A colonic is a procedure in which a device called a speculum is inserted into the rectum. Warm water with minerals and electrolytes is then flushed into the colon to break up impaction; the water then drains back out.