How to Alleviate Constipation Naturally

Constipation is probably one of the most uncomfortable things any human being can ever experience. Nothing is worse than going to the bathroom repeatedly only to come out with "false alarms". Also known as being "irregular", the condition known as constipation happens due to the untimely hardening of feces within the gastrointestinal system. This is usually a result of the colon absorbing too much water from the digested food, causing the stool to harden prematurely, and making defecation difficult. This article will provide some tips on how to alleviate constipation naturally, without the potentially harmful side effects of using medications.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • A willingness to change your eating habits and food choices
  • Prune juice
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      One word: WATER. Probably the number-one culprit behind constipation is dehydration. Water is absolutely vital to digestive health. As I stated in the introduction, many times if the gastrointestinal system does not have enough water to work with, the colon will absorb all the water from the food, causing the feces to harden. This sets the stage for constipation to take place. Resolve to drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Not only will water help you with your digestive system, but it also will aid in keeping your skin healthy as well.

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      A sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on your digestive system. Studies have shown that regular exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise, can greatly aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system. The main reason why exercise helps to facilitate healthy digestion is because exercise improves circulation, and the stomach requires lots of blood to properly digest your food. Many times people think that if they're having a problem in one area of their body that the problem is localized, but the truth is your body is a cohesive unit, and whatever you can do to promote overall bodily health will "trickle down" to improve the individual systems within your body.

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      You have to do whatever you can to increase your fiber intake. I have personally found that eating Raisin Bran is a GREAT way to stay regular. Any type of high-fiber foods such as bran flakes, oatmeal, beans, fruits, etc. will greatly aid in promoting regularity. Work these types of fiber-rich foods into your diet on a daily basis. Most studies show that they human body needs anywhere from 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily to achieve optimum fiber intake.

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      Conversely, if you're eating a lot of starchy or protein-rich foods, be aware that these can "plug you up" in a hurry if you're not balancing them with a good intake of fiber-rich foods. Having a diet that is heavy on meats, oil-heavy foods such as french fries or salad dressings, or binding foods such as potatoes can really cause issues if you're not balancing them with an adequate amount of fiber. Also, eating lots of cheese is just asking for it.

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