How to Stop a Sour Stomach
Stop the acid level from increasing in your stomach. Do this by eating or drinking an alkaline substance to counteract the acid. Foods such as celery, greens without salad dressing, vegetable broth, lemon water or buttermilk work quickly. If you have just eaten a large greasy meal with a sugary dessert, it will take longer to relieve your symptoms, but a chewable calcium tablet can provide some quick relief.
Reduce your stress. Anything that causes you to fear or worry will cause your acid levels to rise in your gut. Of course, you cannot eliminate stress completely, but you can take steps to reduce it and cope with the stress you have. Taking a walk, for instance, gets your heart rate up for at least 10 minutes, and that helps increase endorphins and oxygenate your blood, reducing acidity.
Change your diet. Eat more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods. Realize that the chemical composition of foods changes when they enter your digestive system. Lemons are acidic, but when they are ingested, they become alkaline-forming. Meat does not seem to be acidic, but it is actually quite acid-forming once in the body. In general, fruits and vegetables are alkaline-forming foods while meats, sugars and oils are acid-forming foods.
Learn to relax. Find ways to laugh and have fun--the opposite of stress. Watch movies, go bowling, take a hike or find other ways to amuse yourself. Enjoy life away from the office if it causes you stress.
Find friends who know how to take life in stride and let them help you deal with stress. Many times, the stress builds up in your mind, and if you take the time to share your concerns with someone, she can help you see easier ways of dealing with it or just offer you a shoulder to lean on when you need it.