Diarrhea: Causes & Cures
Many viral infections, including influenza and rotavirus, can cause acute diarrhea. In these cases, the condition only usually lasts a few days.
Intestinal Conditions
Many intestinal conditions include diarrhea among their symptoms. People with colitis, Crohn's disease, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome may suffer from chronic bouts of diarrhea as a symptom of their condition.
Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs include diarrhea among their possible side effects. Common culprits include antibiotics, cancer drugs and medications for high blood pressure.
People with food intolerances---for example, to milk---will often experience diarrhea as a symptom of the condition. Also, people who eat a lot of fruit may experience diarrhea from eating too much fructose. This is especially common in children.
Parasites and Bacteria
Food or liquids contaminated with bacteria, such as salmonella or E. coli, can cause severe diarrhea, as can parasites that enter the body through food or beverages. Traveler's diarrhea, which often strikes travelers to foreign countries, is the result of bacteria and parasites.
There is no cure for diarrhea, but in most cases the condition will run its course and clear up on its own in a few days. The best treatment is to replace the fluids lost through diarrhea. Anti-diarrhea medications can be used in some cases, but they shouldn't be used when the condition is caused by parasites or bacteria. Antibiotics can sometimes help people suffering from a bacterial infection.