How to Get Rid of Parasites and Restore Weight
Things You'll Need
- Brewed coffee
- Enema bags
- Enema tubes
- Bath tub
- Parasite tincture of cloves, black walnut hulls, and wormwood (such as Clarkia)
- Probiotics or plain yogurt
Give yourself a coffee enema--no more than once daily--for a week. Use freshly brewed coffee in an enema bag with a couple drops of parasite tincture to the coffee to kill any eggs in the colon. You will want to do this while lying in a bathtub to let any waste go down the drain.
Take the parasite tincture internally, following directions on the bottle. You can drink it straight from the dropper. Also, if you prefer, you can add the drops of tincture to water or fruit juice. It tastes very bitter so a sweet fruit juice is preferable. This is to be taken for 7 days up to a month depending on the brand. The tincture works to kill any living parasite or eggs that are already in your body.
Eat yogurt with active cultures. Take probiotics capsules daily to restore intestinal health. While this does nothing for the parasites themselves, it will ease any diarrhea or constipation you experience while taking the tincture and enema.
Once your cleansing is complete, use a diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and juices to regain your health and start gaining weight. Stick to a diet of fresh natural foods to replenish nutrients in your system. As your appetite begins to grow, you can begin adding more of your favorite foods, in moderation. You can expect to regain weight slowly at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Avoid contracting parasites by cooking all meats and seafood well. Use a meat thermometer to be sure. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the bathroom or coming into contact with animals. Wash all of your vegetables before eating them. Don't go barefoot in yards or areas where there may be animal feces.