How to Cure Internal Hemorroids
Things You'll Need
- Colon cleanser
- Hemorrhoid cream or ointment
Drink lots of fluids. The main cause of hemorrhoids is the breaking of the delicate lining of the veins in the anus. This breakage is caused by constipation and straining during a bowel movement, sometimes because of hard, dry stools. By adding more fluids to the diet, the stools will have a higher water content and will be eliminated more easily.
Take a hot bath. For some people, sitting in hot water helps ease the discomfort of internal hemorrhoids and reduces their size.
Eat fiber. Fiber is an important part of digestive health because it adds bulk to the wastes of the digestive system and reduces the chances of diarrhea. Hemorrhoids can be caused by frequent watery bowel movements, which ruptures the lining of the rectal veins. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber; there are also fiber supplements on the market.
Use colon cleaners. Most colon cleaners contain herbs that aid in digestion. The cleanser helps remove waste from the colon and at the same time regulates bowel movements. Cleaning out the colon improves overall health by eliminating debris and toxins, and also reduces the size of hemorrhoids.
Use hemorrhoid creams. Many commercial products are available that treat internal and external hemorrhoids. These ointments and creams usually contain cortisone, an anti-inflammatory ingredient that reduces the swelling of hemorrhoids.
See a doctor. A doctor has a few treatments that are minimally invasive and that treat internal hemorrhoids. In one procedure called sclerotherapy, the doctor injects a chemical into the hemorrhoid to shrink it. Laser surgery is also useful for treating internal hemorrhoids. During laser surgery, a beam of infrared light is used to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. This makes the hemorrhoid hard, and in a few days it shrivels up and falls away.