What Is Colace?
Colace relieves constipation by mixing liquid with the stool, making it softer. When Colace is ingested, it absorbs water from the large intestine and then mixes the water with the stool. This process increases the volume of the stool, stimulating the digestive tract to expel it.
Time Frame
Colace's syrup, liquid and supplement forms generally take 12 to 72 hours to work. Colace's suppositories generally work within 15 minutes to one hour. Colace may take longer to work, though, depending on the volume of stool and the amount taken.
Side Effects
Side effects associated with Colace include diarrhea, cramping, nausea, skin irritation, a bitter taste in the mouth and throat irritation. Some people may have an allergic reaction that causes swelling in the face, lips and throat; they should see a doctor.
Colace relieves constipation as a result of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a poor diet or an intestinal medical condition. It helps prevent hemorrhoids and rectal tearing that result from straining to pass hard stools. Colace is also used to speed up the rate of passing stools.
Your physician may need to adjust the dosage if you have an intestinal disorder such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or celiac disease. He may also adjust the dosage if you currently suffer from stomach pain, nausea or cramping. Your physician will avoid prescribing Colace if you are pregnant, because it adversely affects the development of the fetus.