Chronic Constipation Remedy
Assess Your Water Intake
If you're drinking fewer than 62 ounces of water a day (at least eight glasses), this can be the underlying cause of constipation. Fluid in the intestinal tract keeps stools soft, allowing them to pass through the colon easily. Lack of fluid contributes to constipation and hard stools. Increase your water intake and keep your body hydrated.
Evaluate Your Diet
Diet also plays a role in constipation. Eating an imbalanced diet or consuming too many fast foods lowers your daily fiber intake. Lack of fiber results in constipation. Maintain a healthy diet, which includes daily servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Take fiber supplements to compensate for low-fiber days.
Physical Activity
Leading an inactive or sedentary life can reduce intestinal contractions and cause chronic constipation. To remedy this problem, get active. Start slowly and begin with walking around the block for 30 minutes three times a week. Gradually increase physical activity and attempt to work out at least five days a week. Regular movement eases constipation naturally.
Eliminate Stress
Stress can affect your bowel movements and contribute to constipation. If you're dealing with stress or a mental health problem, learn tactics to cope with worry and negative feelings. Sufficient rest at night, a balanced diet, regular exercise and stress management techniques can help relieve chronic constipation. Meanwhile, natural mood stabilizers and anti-depressants can control symptoms of depression and cure chronic constipation.
Seek Medical Attention
The cause of chronic constipation is rarely serious. Still, several medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, gluten allergies, colon cancer, anal cancer and ovarian cancer feature constipation as an early symptom. If your condition does not improve on its own or with home remedies, make an appointment with a doctor to rule out a potentially serious medical condition.