Hemorrhoid Treatment
The Diet
Adding more fiber to the diet will greatly improve and regulate bowel movements. Foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits and whole grains will add more volume to the fecal matter so it can pass more easily through the intestines and out the rectum. Taking fiber supplements is another option. Drinking lots of water each day also adds bulk to the wastes and eliminates the hard, dry stools that can lead to hemorrhoids.
Home Remedies
A hot bath is known to shrink some hemorrhoids. This method is often suggested by holistic healers. Adding Epson salts to the water is another option. Most hemorrhoids are caused by diarrhea or constipation. By taking herbal colon cleaners on a regular basis you can have more normal bowel movements and this will reduce the chances of hemorrhoids. Cleaning out the colon will also help to relieve some of the pressure on the rectal veins. If the pressure continues the hemorrhoids can grow larger and more painful.
Physical Activity
Any activity that gets you moving will help the digestive system. Exercising, yoga, stretching and weight training are all beneficial in keeping the muscles moving in the intestines. A sedentary lifestyle and sitting for long periods of time can lead to hemorrhoids.
Over-the-Counter Drugs
For many people using Preparation H or similar hemorrhoid cream is helpful. Most of these ointments have anti-inflammatory ingredients like hydrocortisone (steroids.) In using these drugs it is important to carefully follow the directions.
Medical Procedures
A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the hemorrhoids. But surgery is reserved for hemorrhoids that are very large and/or very painful. This surgery is done on an out-patient basis, but there are a few medical treatments that can be done in a doctor's office. In some cases a chemical is injected into the hemorrhoids to shrink them. In other situations a doctor ties a band or uses a clip to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids. Without blood the hemorrhoids shrink and fall away. Laser surgery uses a beam of light to cut off the blood flow. Again, the hemorrhoid dries up and falls off.