Necrotizing Pancreatitis Symptoms
Blood Pressure
Many people who suffer from a necrotizing pancreatitis will begin to experience a drop in blood pressure. This is largely due to the loss of blood that can occur when a portion of the pancreas dies. What happens is the pancreas, or at least that portion that has died, can puncture or break, allowing blood and other fluids to escape. This loss in blood inevitably decreases the volume of your blood, dropping your blood pressure, sometimes to a fairly dangerous level.
If too much blood is lost from this puncture or breakage, a person may begin to suffer from shock because of the extreme drop in blood volume. You may first become lethargic, confused or overwhelmingly tired followed by cold and sweats. From there, both your breathing and heartbeat can change, becoming rapid and weak. Both may then slow, and you could lose consciousness and die.
Another fairly common symptom of necrotizing pancreatitis will be some level of pain, usually within the upper abdominal region of your body. This pain may also spread out into the back and worsen after eating. For some people, this pain is also accompanied by a certain amount of tenderness within the abdomen, especially felt when touched or pressed.
Sometimes, a necrotizing pancreatitis may prompt a person to become nauseous. This sensation may come about with or without a meal and can be so severe that you in fact begin to vomit. Vomit will appear as normal, so the nausea and vomiting will typically be experienced with some sort of pain prior to the sensation, which can help indicate that it is more than just a mild illness or bug. For some people, they may never ever feel as if they're nauseous and only suffer from what appears to be indigestion.
While the most common symptoms of a necrotizing pancreatitis will involve pain, nausea and drop in blood pressure, it isn't uncommon for a person to begin to develop a fever due to this condition. A fever in relation to a necrotizing pancreatitis will generally be anywhere from 100 to 101 degrees F. This fever is an indication that the pancreas itself has actually become infected.