How to Treat Bowel Disorders
There are many different types of disorders affecting the bowels including IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome, colitis, gastroenteritis, ulcers, diverticular disease, colon cancer, Crohn's disease, etc. There are MANY other bowel disorders but these are some of the most common.
These disorders are treated in a variety of different ways. Here are some of the more common treatment methods for bowel disorders:
Things You'll Need
- bowel disorder
Colon Cleanses and Laxatives - These work great to clean out the intestines. A lot of people with stomach problems have trouble with constipation. A colon cleanse works to fix various bowel disorders by flushing out the system of not only built up waste, but also from various toxins that have developed in the colon and intestines. Colon cleanses come in a variety of different types and two of the most popular include: fiber supplements and bentonite clay. The bentonite clay works to absorb the toxins like a sponge.
Modified Diet - Oftentimes just simple changes in diet can change bowel disorders. Some people require MORE fiber in their diet while others require less. Some people with diverticulitis may need to temporarily change their diet to cut out fiber and whole grains until the diverticulitis symptoms have subsided. Again, how you modify your diet will be dependent on the exact type of bowel disorder you are suffering from.
Surgery - Surgery is an option for some people with bowel disorders. Surgery is most often needed for people suffering with severe illnesses such as colon cancer. It may also be necessary if certain stomach disorders have been allowed to progress and cause significant damage to the body's system.
Medications - Medications are used to treat a variety of different bowel disorders. People suffering from an ulcer may be given acid reducers, acid blockers, or bismuth. People with IBS may be prescribed anti-depressants or antispasmodics. The type of medication prescribed will be dependent on the exact type of bowel disorder the patient is suffering from.