How to Cure a Hangover Instantly
Things You'll Need
- Beer or mixed alcoholic drink
- Menudo
- Banana smoothie recipe
- Toast and honey
- Bacon sandwich
Make and eat a spicy Mexican soup known as Menudo. According to, eating menudo is a "traditional cure for hangovers " that should cure your hangover quickly.
Eat a banana smoothie. Bananas are easy to digest, and they help replace potassium, magnesium and other minerals you lost by drinking alcohol. Place 2 ripe bananas in a blender, add 1-1/2 cups milk and 3 tablespoons of pure, natural honey. Blend the ingredients until they are just smooth, then drink it. The milk will help coat your upset stomach, replace depleted vitamins and minerals, and help hydrate your body. The honey will give your body needed sodium, potassium and fructose.
Eat a breakfast of toast and honey to cure a hangover instantly, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Eat a bacon sandwich according to Bread is full of carbohydrates, and the bacon is protein. These break down into amino acids that help clear your head and help you feel better.