Bowel Blockage Causes
Minor bowel blockage may be caused by constipation. While constipation is an unpleasant symptom that may cause minor pains, constipation is among the more easily treatable causes of bowel blockage. Dietary modification such as increased fiber intake or even short-term use of laxatives to relieve moderate constipation usually will clear bowel blockages caused by constipation.
Fecal Impaction
Fecal impaction is a very severe form of constipation in which stools become large, dry and hardened in the colon and rectum. Fecal impaction occurs when constipation is left untreated for several days or weeks at a time. When fecal impaction occurs, stools are virtually impossible to pass without the use of a combination of enemas and manual evacuation of the rectum.
Bile Duct Blockage
The bile duct connects to liver to the gallbladder. Common causes of bile duct blockage include adhesions, gall stones and scar tissue. Symptoms of bile duct blockage include abdominal tenderness, distention of the abdomen, nausea and severe abdominal cramps. In order to remove bile duct blockage, surgery is usually needed.
Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease is a disease of the bowel and colon that can cause adhesions and scar tissue. While there is no cure for Crohn's, dietary changes and lifestyle modifications can help to control the symptoms, including bowel obstructions.
Scar Tissue
If a person has ever had any type of surgery in the abdominal region, such as an appendectomy, gall bladder removal, Caesarian section or hysterectomy, scar tissue is a legitimate medical concern. Scar tissue can spread through the abdominal region and create a bowel blockage. Surgery to remove scar tissue will usually have to be performed more than once over the period of the individual lifespan of the patient.
Hernias occur when scar tissue protrudes from muscles. Hernias can also appear when an entire organ protrudes through abdominal muscles and scar tissue in the abdomen. While some types of hernias such as hiatal hernias are serious, the surgical removal of hernias is usually a minor procedure that requires a great deal of time to heal.
Foreign Objects
Foreign objects can cause the bowel to become inflamed and blocked. Foreign objects may include gall stones, swallowed foreign objects and objects that may have been inserted into body orifices for recreational purposes. It is imperative that foreign objects be removed from the bowel immediately to avoid potentially fatal bowel perforation and ruptures.