What Causes C. diff Colitis?
When the natural bacteria that line the intestines are depleted, the result of taking antibiotics or from one of the risk factors, c. diff bacteria are allowed to flourish once contracted. These intrusive bacteria then create a toxin that damages the colon, causing inflammation or colitis. If left to persist, the colitis may become ulcerative or sepsis may set in, causing a potentially deadly scenario.
In general, younger people are at a very low risk for developing colitis. The people at highest risk are those over the age of 65. The Journal of the American Medical Association warns that seniors in assisted living homes are at an even greater risk than those living in traditional homes.
You are more likely to pick up the c. diff bacteria in a hospital than nearly anywhere else. While most people's bodies are capable of easily fighting off the bacteria, those with other risk factors should take extra precautions. The Centers for Disease Control suggest washing hands frequently with antibacterial soap and sanitizing bathroom and living spaces frequently to avoid exposure.
No matter your age, you are at a heightened risk for developing c. diff colitis if you have recently undergone gastrointestinal surgery. This is because, despite a surgeon's best effort, the bacterium is allowed to enter the digestive system directly. Once there, it may be only a matter of time until the bacteria causes the inflamed colon synonymous with colitis.
A compromised immune system may be the result of a recent illness, cancer treatments, HIV or even steroid treatments. When a person's immune system is compromised, she is less able to fight off bacteria like c. diff. If the bacteria is left to flourish, than the chances of colitis developing are greatly increased.