How to Cure Flatulence
Sip a cup of peppermint tea. The peppermint oil will sooth the digestive tract and reduce the flatulence.
Avoid gas-causing foods. Carbonated drinks or foods high in carbohydrates can be gas producers. Carbohydrates typically include ingredients that are indigestible, such as fiber, sugar and starch.
Identify and avoid your gas trigger food. Certain types of food may cause flatulence more for one person than another. Pay attention to when you have gas, and try to identify which are your trigger foods.
Consider taking lactase supplements. If you are lactose intolerant, this will help you digest lactose and reduce the gas.
Ask your doctor about medications, such as Beano, Simethicone or activated charcoal, which is available at the natural food store.
Avoid fried and fatty foods, which can be the cause of gas.
Eat smaller meals. Instead of eating several large meals each day, break them up into small meals, spaced throughout the day.
Reduce the amount of air you swallow. To do this eat slowly, avoid gum and sucking on candy, drinking through a straw and smoking. Poorly fitting dentures can also make you swallow excess air, which can cause flatulence.
Exercise on a regular basis. According to the Mayo Clinic, tests have shown that a mild activity such as bicycling can relieve gas in those with irritable bowel syndrome or other intestinal conditions.