How Long Is the Colonoscopy Procedure?
The Day Before
The procedure really begins 24 hours prior to the colonoscopy, when you need to begin preparing for it. Your doctor will prescribe a laxative to empty out the digestive tract. Stay near a toilet, as the urge to evacuate may be sudden. You'll also be asked to fast and drink only clear non-alcoholic liquids. Coffee, tea, broth and gelatin are acceptable--but nothing red, as that could leave traces of color in the colon and interfere with the procedure.
The Colonoscopy
The procedure itself can be as short as 15 minutes or can take up to an hour, depending on what your doctor finds. A clear, clean colon with no growth or polyps can be examined quickly. In other cases, the doctor may need to remove polyps or take tissue samples for further testing.
After the Colonoscopy
Because of the sedatives administered during the procedure, you'll likely be taken to a room to rest or sleep while the effects wear off. This could take several hours. Patients will need someone to help them get home, as the sedatives will interfere with the ability to drive, even after waking up.
The Next Day
Some people may need up to 24 hours to fully recover from the effects of the sedatives. Others may feel lingering sensations or experience light bleeding for a day or longer, depending on what the doctor removed during the colonoscopy.
Colonoscopies are relatively safe and common procedures, However, there are still risks of complications. The colon wall may be perforated, there's a risk of infection and some people may react to the anesthesia. There's also a small risk of postpolypectomy electrocoagulation syndrome, or abdominal pains, fever and other symptoms caused by the electrocoagulation, a method used to remove polyps.