Chronic Constipation Symptoms
Less Than One Bowel Movement per Week
Chronic constipation sufferers usually experience less than one bowel movement per week. People who suffer from average constipation experience three bowel movements per week.
Hard Stools
People who experience chronic constipation usually pass hard stools, which can be painful. Hard stools usually indicate a lack of fiber in the diet.
Strain During Bowel Movements
When people with chronic constipation attempt to have a bowel movement, they strain and bear down on their rectum in order to force their bowel movements. This can cause pain and discomfort as a result of this added strain and pressure.
Feeling of Blockage in Rectum
People who suffer with severe constipation experience feelings of rectal blockage. They can sometimes be in the bathroom for hours trying to evacuate their bowels.
If constipation sufferers experience bleeding or severe pain, they should immediately consult a doctor. Rectal bleeding could be a symptom of a more serious medical condition.