What Test Is Done to Check for Acid Reflux?
Upper Endoscopy
An upper endoscopy procedure looks into the esophagus, stomach and the upper portion of the intestines (duodenum) with a thin, flexible, lighted scope with a camera at the tip.
Other Tests
An Esophageal pH test, esophageal manometry test, barium swallow, laboratory blood tests and stool test may also be performed.
Medical Advancement
A newly approved test--capsule endoscopy--wherein a small capsule with a tiny video camera is swallowed by the patient takes photos of the entire esophagus. The capsule dndoscopy procedure takes 20 minutes, and the capsule is excreted within 48 hours.
Risk Factors
Predisposing factors to GERD are old age, smoking, pregnancy, obesity and respiratory disease.
Pay attention to food intake: avoid caffeine products, alcohol, acidic fruits and vegetables. Eat proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.