What Are the Symptoms of Colitis?
Pain Before Bowel Movements
Colitis is generally connected with abdominal pain, often appearing in intense waves, followed by bowel movements.
Presence of Blood
Blood in the stool could indicate colitis, as well as other digestive disorders. Though blood is not always present in colitis patients.
Tenesmus is the constant feeling of needing to have a bowel movement. This urge to have a bowel movement is often associated with colitis.
Constant Pain
Depending on the type of colitis, individuals may experience constant abdominal pain, that intensifies before and after bowel movements.
Individuals who experience persistent and constant diarrhea may need treatment for colitis, as the diarrhea may signal an infection or inflammation.
If there is an infection present, fever and chills may signal that an individual have colitis, but only if associated with other symptoms.