How to Cure a Sour Stomach
How to Cure a Sour Stomach
Drink a glass of clean, fresh water. The water should be chilled but not cold. Sip it slowly while standing.
Put on the kettle to boil water. While you sip your glass of water, boil water for tea.
Make ginger tea if you haven't eaten anything for more than 2 hours. To relieve a sour stomach due to recent foods you ingested, try peppermint or spearmint tea. To relieve a sour stomach due to stress, make chamomile tea.
Sit in a comfortable chair while you drink the tea, but do sit up. Don't recline in a recliner or lay on the couch. Keep your back straight and your feet lower than your hips. This position will aid in digesting the tea. Sip the tea; do not gulp it down.
Close your eyes for 5 minutes after finishing the tea. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your body to fully relax.
Wait 15 to 30 minutes before eating a meal after your tea. Eat a light meal of soft foods, such as oatmeal sweetened with honey and sliced banana. Eat every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day, but only small snacks made of such foods as graham crackers, applesauce or sugar-free gelatins. Drink chilled, clean water with each meal.
Change your eating habits to avoid circumstances that induce sour stomach. These include eating within an hour of going to bed, skipping breakfast or eating fatty foods for breakfast, eating too much fruit or too many acidic foods and not enough carbohydrates, or eating too quickly.
Visit your doctor if you consistently have an upset stomach or sour stomach, heartburn or are unable to eat without feeling queasy afterward. You may have a digestive disorder that requires medication or other treatment.