How to Detox Chemicals Out of Your Body
Cut foods out of your diet that can cause toxicity. This includes deep fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods that are high in saturated fat. All of this causes acid in the system, which is toxic.
Eliminate beverages that can cause toxicity. These include soda, coffee, lattes, alcohol and any sugary drink that has empty calories. Instead, drink water. It helps to flush the body of impurities.
Eat clean foods. The foods you eat should be as close to natural as possible and they should also be nutrient dense. These types of foods have a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals in them and they are also easier to digest. Some examples are fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, lean meats and fish.
Detox your liver. The liver is responsible for producing bile which breaks down fat in the body and it is also responsible for filtering the blood of chemicals and toxins. There are some nutrients that are effective to detox the liver. These include milk thistle, N-acetyl cysteine, vitamin C and the B vitamins (See Resources liver detox information).
Cleanse your colon. The colon often times gets backed up with fecal matter, undigested foods, and mucoid plaque that is the result of chemicals from foods and pharmaceutical drugs. Colon cleanses usually come in kits which contain herbal supplements, fiber supplements and probiotics that are designed to flush the digestive tract and get it back to proper functioning again (See Resources for a link for colon cleanse reviews).