How to Stop Constipation for Good
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Whole grains
- Raw fruits and vegetables
- Garlic
- Fresh juice
- Vitamin supplements
Stay hydrated. Generally, you should be drinking at least eight glasses of water each day. Coffee, tea and soft drinks do not count and may make the problem worse. Constipation is a sign that you are dehydrated.
Eat whole grains, nuts and leafy green vegetables. Add wheat germ or wheat bran to other foods to provide additional fiber.
Avoid fried foods, sweets, refined white flour, junk food, soft drinks and fruits with lots of seeds, such as raspberries or strawberries.
Avoid laxatives, even as a temporary solution. What looks like an easy solution can be dangerous because it can kill good intestinal bacteria and keep nutrients from being absorbed. Plus, you can become dependent on laxatives.
Practice healthy bowel habits by having a regular time to go to the bathroom. If you do not have success, relax. Don't strain or you may get hemorrhoids.
Get plenty of regular exercise. You should get at least 20 minutes each day of cardiovascular exercise.
Consider a juice fast. This is a good way to eliminate toxins from the body and give your digestive system a little bit of a rest while the intestines and colon clear out. However, this is not a long-term diet plan and should not be continued for more than a few days.
Consider dietary supplement such as folic acid, Vitamin B-1 and Vitamin C. Iron tablets may help some individuals, but you should always consult a dietician before taking additional iron. Iron deficiency can cause constipation, but too much iron in your system will produce the same uncomfortable result.
Eat garlic on a daily basis. It may or may not keep vampires away, but it will definitely provide the potassium your body needs. Garlic also has a tendency to reduce inflammation, cleanse and soothe the digestive system.