How to Cure Acid Reflux Using Cayenne Pepper
Things You'll Need
- Cayenne pepper capsules
- Hot water
Talk to your doctor about the treatment. Even though cayenne pepper is totally natural, there are many different options for dosages, and the degree of severity of your acid reflux may determine what type of dosage you should take. The doctor can let you know what types of side effects you should be prepared for if the pepper does not work, since cayenne is a spice that can actually cause reflux in some people.
Heat a glass of water. You can heat it in the microwave for about 90 seconds on high. The water should not be boiling, but it should be quite hot--as hot as you could stand to drink tea. This will help the cayenne capsule be absorbed properly in your stomach.
Take the cayenne capsule with the full glass of hot water about 20 minutes before eating. You do not have to chug the water, but you do need to drink it steadily so that you have the cayenne and all the warm water in your stomach together.
Eat normally. Do not try a potentially problematic food like hot and spicy tacos right away. Eat normal food and see how your body reacts. You may notice that taking the cayenne capsule helps your reflux. If it does, then continue to take the capsules once or twice a day before mealtimes.
Generally, it is not necessary to take a capsule with breakfast, and if you can avoid taking one at lunch, it will probably help you eat better. Dinner is usually the most problematic meal for reflux, so you should definitely take a cayenne capsule then.