Quick Home Remedies to Relieve Constipation
Place a warm, moist pack on the lower abdomen to relax the muscles in the area and relieve the discomfort of constipation.
Using a natural oil or lotion, very gently massage around the lower abdomen in a clockwise motion. Start below the belly button and moving to the right, then around under the ribs, to the left and down and around again.
Herbal Teas
Drink warm tea---chamomile, valerian or passionflower---to ease anxiety and stress, relax muscles and help move stool out of the body.
Do some mild stretching exercises, such as yoga, to stretch and relax muscles, helping to relieve the abdominal pain associated with constipation.
If all else fails, try a dietary supplement containing senna or cascara sagrada---both natural laxatives. Remember that laxatives should only be used for occasional constipation. Never take them every day.