How to Instantly Relieve Constipation
Things You'll Need
- Laxative
- Dietary fiber supplement
- Water
- Fruit
- Vegetables
Take a laxative. If you want fairly quick relief from constipation, one of the easiest methods of inducing a bowel movement is to take a laxative. Depending on your system, the laxative should produce a bowel anywhere from three to six hours later. Make sure to follow the dosage suggestion on the packaging, as too much may prompt loose stools.
Try a stool softener. Stool softeners are similar to laxatives just without the stimulation. You should produce a bowel movement in about six hours. Make sure to follow the appropriate dosage.
Use a dietary fiber supplement. Many times, a person's constipation is a result of too little roughage or fiber in his diet. There are a number of safe and effective dietary fiber supplements available in stores. You should produce a bowel movement between six and twelve hours after use. Much like laxatives and stool softeners, you should always follow the instructions on the packaging to get positive results.
Increase your fluids. When taking a laxative, stool softener or dietary fiber supplement, you should make sure to increase your fluid intake. This will aid in and speed up the process.
Consult with a physician. If you're experiencing chronic constipation, which would be categorized as fairly long bouts, you should talk to a doctor. Constipation may be a symptom of another condition.