What Is a Hemorrhoid?
A hemorrhoid is a painful inflammation of the rectal area during straining or repeated bouts of diarrhea. It is a condition that affects men and women of all ages, but commonly occurs during pregnancy. A hemorrhoid is diagnosed by observing several characteristics around the rectal area.-
Painful Sensations Around the Anus
Straining while going to the bathroom causes the veins around the anus to crack. The infected area usually stings or burns, and blood may be present.
Itching Sensations
Hemorrhoids also cause itching sensations around the anus. The cracked skin worsens itching sensations. A soothing hemorrhoidal cream, such as Preparation H, lessens the urge to itch.
Anus Looks Swollen and Distended
A hemorrhoid usually swells in the external portion of the anus, swelling around the anus opening. The hemorrhoid is usually red and smooth, surrounding the anus like a doughnut hole.
Swelling Feels Hard and Tender
A hemorrhoid will protrude slightly from the anus and feel hard. The hardness of the hemorrhoid depends on how swollen the veins are inside the hemorrhoid.
Swelling Lasts Temporarily
Hemorrhoids typically last for a week. Anal swelling that lasts for more than 1 week is usually not a hemorrhoid, and requires immediate diagnosis by a physician.
Blood in Stools
Hemorrhoids burn and crack around the anus, causing the veins the burst. Blood mixes in with the stool, and sometimes causes the anus to bleed.