Reflux Esophagitis Symptoms
Painful Swallowing
Swallowing saliva throughout the day and swallowing food may be very uncomfortable.
Difficulty Swallowing
When attempting to swallow, individuals with esophagitis may feel like the food being swallowed is stuck in their throats or chests.
Acid Reflux
Acid reflux or heartburn is generally a symptom that accompanies esophagitis.
Oral Lesions
Oral lesions, also called herpes, may occur as a result of prolonged esophagitis.
Serious Complications
Without treatment, esophagitis may lead to malnutrition or dehydration if swallowing becomes nearly impossible. Scarring of the esophagus may also occur, and could result in a stricture which would prevent food or anything else passing through the esophagus. In rare cases, Barrett's Esophagus may develop and lead to esophageal cancer.
Medications can be used to prevent excess acid production. Also, an analgesic may be prescribed to help with esophageal pain. Antibiotics will be needed if an infection is present. Avoiding spicy foods and acidic foods may also help to alleviate symptoms.