How to Get Rid of Stomach Flu
Things You'll Need
- Fluids Painkillers
Replenish your body with fluids. Due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea, individuals who suffer from stomach flu can become dehydrated. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day replenishes the body with fluids and prevents dehydration.
Drink clear liquids. During the first 24 hour period, sufferers ought to stay away from heavy foods and limit their food intake to liquids such as soup or chicken broth. If your symptoms improve after 24 hours, you can begin eating light foods such as bread, white rice and fruits. Greasy, fried or spicy foods ought to be avoided until symptoms completely disappear.
Take acetaminophen for pain. Stomach flu sufferers often deal with stomach cramps, body aches and a fever. Because ibuprofen can irritate the stomach and cause further discomfort, take acetaminophen to ease pain.
Get plenty of rest. The body loses calories with persistent vomiting and diarrhea. And because sufferers are unable to eat with the stomach flu, they're unable to replenish these calories. To preserve your calories and energy, which are necessary to boost your immune system, rest until symptoms disappear.
Drink herbal teas. Hot teas such as peppermint and ginger relax your stomach, and they include antioxidants to boost your immune system.