How to Relieve Ulcer Pain
Things You'll Need
- Antacids Prescription medications
Quit smoking if you regularly use nicotine products. Nicotine is an irritant that can cause ulcers to flare up and become very painful.
Reduce or eliminate your consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. These substances can cause the mucous lining in your digestive tract to break down, causing your ulcers to bleed. Sticking to water and other non-carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages can reduce the amount of pain you experience.
Use antacids, proton pump inhibitors and histamine blocker drugs to control the amount of stomach acid that your stomach produces. Acids can aggravate ulcers and cause you more discomfort.
Watch your diet. Spicy foods and those with a high acid content, such as salsa, citrus fruits and tomato sauces, can irritate your stomach lining and can cause an ulcer to flare up. When you feel ulcer pain, try to eat bland foods such as broiled chicken, cooked rice and pasta that will allow your ulcer to heal.
Ask your doctor to run a test for H. pylori, a bacterial infection that can cause ulcers. If the test comes back positive, antibiotics will heal your infection and calm your ulcer, relieving some of your pain.