How to Use Fiber to Cleanse the Colon
Things You'll Need
- Steam-distilled water Pure ground psyllium seed canister (16 to 24 oz.)
Before eating in the morning, take one heaping tablespoon of psyllium seed and mix into a 6- to 8-oz. glass of juice or steam-distilled water. Psyllium thickens quickly in liquid, so as soon as you mix it, gulp it down. It has a mild, nutty taste.
Wait about 30 minutes before you eat or drink anything (besides water). This will give the psyllium time to move through your stomach and intestines. Psyllium acts as a soft scrub brush through your intestines and colon, and will show results in short order.
Be sure to drink several glasses of water, steam-distilled water preferably, throughout your day. Steam-distilled water is free of most toxins and chemical additives found in tap water. It makes sense that while you are doing a colon cleanse to eliminate toxins and waste matter, that you stay away from toxins in tap water, too.
Take a second helping of psyllium seed in the evening, ideally a half hour before dinner. Again, mix a heaping tablespoon with juice or water. Follow with another 6- to 8-oz. glass of water.
Have a third tablespoon of psyllium seed with liquid before bedtime if you haven't produced a bowel movement bu the evening, or if you have not eliminated more waste than usual for the day. Take up to three doses on the first day, but do not exceed that amount. For the next 6 days, do not exceed two doses: morning and evening. You should notice more elimination by the end of the first day. The great thing about psyllium is that is does not cause stomach aches or diarrhea. You don't have to worry about staying at home or near a bathroom while you are on the cleanse.