How to Treat Severe Constipation
Drink water. The usual cause of constipation is dehydration. The single greatest task of the large intestine is to remove water from advancing waste material. If too much water is removed because it is needed elsewhere, the resulting dry, hard stool can become difficult to pass.
Add fiber to your diet. Eating more natural and raw foods, and those high in fiber like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can reverse serious, recurring constipation. Prunes are one popular home remedy, and papaya, guava and grapes are also known to be effective. Diet is one of the most important factors contributing to constipation. Animal proteins and dairy products are notorious for creating blockage.
Exercise. Failure to participate in regular physical activity can lead to a general malaise that extends to the digestive system. Exercise increases the circulatory system and tends to jump-start the digestive tract as well.
Use an enema. If constipation becomes severe and imminent bowel evacuation is desired for relief, an enema is an easy way to temporarily relieve an acute constipated condition. If lifestyle is contributing to the onset of constipation, however, it's likely to develop again after having an enema.
Take a laxative. Over the counter laxatives in the form of liquids, pills and powdered mixes are readily available at most drug stores. Like enemas, these shouldn't be relied upon to treat recurring constipation, but can be effective in relieving an acute condition.
Go to the doctor. In extreme cases, if a person has lost all ability to evacuate his bowels, he can go to the emergency room and have it done for him in a process called manual disimpaction. Depending on the extent of the constipation, a general anesthetic might be used to help relax the anus.