Diet for Diverticulitis & Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Foods that Aggravate Diverticulitis
According to the Mayo Clinic there are no foods that trigger a diverticulitis flare up. Eating fiber regularly may help to control diverticulitis. However, when a flare up does occur, a low-fiber diet is recommended.
Foods that Help Ease Symptoms of Diverticulitis
According to the Mayo Clinic, when an individual is having a diverticulitis flare up, he should consume a low fiber diet consisting of white bread, white rice, pasta and low-fiber cereals. Fruits and vegetable may be eaten, but only without the skins. Also, dairy products and proteins such as eggs, peanut butter and tender meat, fish and poultry are allowed. As symptoms improve, fiber may be added back into the diet gradually.
Foods that Aggravate IBS
Consuming too much caffeine and or high-fat foods can cause IBS symptoms to worsen. Also, consuming foods that produce gas, such as cabbage and beans, may cause discomfort.
Foods that Help Ease the Symptoms of IBS
Eating fiber regularly will also help with IBS symptoms. Soluble fiber, which is found in apples, beans and citrus fruits, will help relieve both constipation and diarrhea. Insoluble fiber, which is found in vegetables and whole grain breads, will help relieve constipation because it helps to get the digestive system moving. The Mayo clinic says that yogurt, which contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, may also help relieve IBS symptoms.
Drink Plenty of Water
Both conditions will benefit from drinking plenty of water and staying properly hydrated.