Symptoms of Indigestion
Indigestion is a feeling of discomfort that may occur after eating a large meal, eating too quickly or from being stressed. Some of the symptoms of indigestion may be embarrassing and cause people to be self-conscious. The symptoms of indigestion can usually be relieved with over-the-counter antacids, personal behavior changes and by simply waiting it out.-
Heartburn is a burning pain in the throat and stomach caused by the backup of acid from the stomach into the esophagus.
Nausea is a symptom of indigestion that may be caused by eating too much food too quickly or eating many strongly-flavored foods.
Bloating may result from eating fatty foods that require a lot of time for the body to fully digest.
Burping is caused by an excess of air in the stomach, which can be caused by eating too quickly or talking while eating.
Gas is a symptom of indigestion that may be caused by constipation, eating fibrous foods that are difficult to digest or eating too quickly.
Chest Pain
A burning sensation or tightness in the chest caused by indigestion may be relieved by burping or taking antacids.
Symptoms including black tarry stools, vomiting blood, weight loss and difficulty breathing may be more serious than indigestion and should be evaluated by a medical doctor.