Foods to Avoid With Gallstones
Sudden, severe pain in the abdomen or back is the most common symptom. Many also experience indigestion, nausea, vomiting and pain near the right shoulder.
Risk Factors
Age, obesity, rapid weight loss, a low-fiber diet, being pregnant, Crohn's disease, taking birth control pills and hormone therapy are among the most common risk factors. Women and seniors are at highest risk. Though one of the primary, controllable causes is a high-fat, low-fiber diet.
Foods to Avoid
Foods high in animal fat and low in fiber prevent the liver's ability to absorb bile acids and cause gallstones to form. Those who have been diagnosed with gallstones need to be especially diligent about avoiding high-fat foods and increasing their fiber intake. To prevent a painful attack or new gallstones from forming, stay away from: whole-milk dairy products; all animal fats, including butter; high-sugar sweets and carbohydrates, including all desserts, candy and ice cream; hydrogenated oils and fats found in most mayonnaises and margarines; deep-fried foods; caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages; artificial sweeteners, additives and colorings, and eggs.
Foods to Choose
A diet high in fiber-rich foods is one of the best ways to prevent gallstones or a painful attack. Among the best choices are: fresh fruits and vegetables, especially broccoli, spinach, carrots, beets, apples, lemons and watermelon; low-fat, low-cholesterol proteins such as turkey, chicken and fresh fish, and foods with high levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium, including baked potatoes, brown rice, yogurt and soaked or sprouted grains.
Added Insight
Health experts praise exercise as one of the best ways to prevent gallstones from forming. This is because in addition to regulating weight, exercise helps avoids high buildups of blood sugar, called glucose, which can lead to gallstone production.