Ulcer Colitis Symptoms
Symptoms of ulcerative colitis often appear suddenly and slowly dissipate. The period of time between the onset and the disappearance is called a flare up. The time without symptoms is called remission. Some sufferers have flare ups that last several days and recur often. Other sufferers may be in remission for a year or longer.
Frequent diarrhea is the most common symptom of ulcerative colitis. Some sufferers will notice that the stools are tinged with blood. This, in itself, isn't life threatening. However, should the diarrhea become dark and develop a tar like consistency, immediate medical attention is required.
Weight Loss
Ulcerative colitis sufferers often lose weight during a flare up. This is caused by the diarrhea and a lack of appetite during a flare up. Eating small meals or snacking during a flare up can help reduce the risk of unhealthy weight loss.
Abdominal Cramping
Severe, often debilitating, stomach cramps are common during a flare up. In some forms of the disease, the pain will cover the entire abdomen. In others, it will be localized.
Life Threatening Symptoms
A sufferer who notices a distended abdomen accompanied by dizziness, weakness, debilitating abdominal pain and nausea should go straight to the emergency room. These symptoms signal colon rupture and a condition called toxic megacolon, both of which require surgery.