Yeast Infections & Colon Cleansing
Cleansing the colon dates back to the Greeks and found its way into the United States around the 1930s. Colon cleansing is the process of flushing out the large intestines through the use of enemas.
Colon cleansing is another home remedy to stave of yeast infections and prevent other diseases.
Cleansing the colon is beneficial in many ways including elimination of dead yeast, aiding in creating a healthier environment and increasing immune health. There are claims that fatigue, bloating and headaches can all be relieved upon the regular cleansing of the colon.
Colon cleansing may be accomplished through the use of stimulants, laxatives and hydrotherapy, or enemas. Several herbal products are on the market that will stimulate the colon without creating problems such as bloating, pain and gas.
Almost every city has a clinic that specializes in hydrotherapy or colonics. The Colonic Association has a listing of practitioners in several areas and further information on choosing a practitioner. See the Resources section for more information.
Colon cleansing will help to prevent further yeast infections. The reduction of belly fat is another added benefit to colon cleansing and curing yeast infections.
Using laxatives is not advised due to the complications that may occur. The safest colon cleansing seems to be the use of hydrotherapy or enemas. Consult with a medical doctor before using herbal or over-the-counter remedies.