Colitis Disease Symptoms
Physical Symptoms
Stomach pain and cramps are two of the most common symptoms of colitis. There may also be an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Frequent soft stools, diarrhea or bloody stools are other common symptoms. You may also have rectal pain and an inability to move the bowels.
Secondary Symptoms
If you have colitis you may lose weight due to loss of appetite. If you have diarrhea or pain with bowel movements you may be tempted to skip meals. Less common symptoms of colitis include joint pain, eye problems or liver disease. In severe cases you may experience fever, dehydration and shock.
You may find that your symptoms come and go, since only 5 percent of patients have constant symptoms. After a flareup, you may go for months or years without symptoms.
At this time there is no known cause of colitis. There are suggestions that it may be the result of bacteria and viruses that are not handled correctly by the immune system.
Treatment for colitis symptoms usually involves medication that is based on the severity and type of symptom along with dietary changes.