How to Prevent Constipation Starting Today
Things You'll Need
- A desire to learn more about how to prevent constipation and various home remedies and constipation medications.
The first step is to take a look at your current diet. Make sure you are eating foods that contain plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals (whole grains, fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, etc.). Also take a look at your current water consumption, as you may need to increase it. Eight glasses of water a day is a good goal to shoot for, even if you can't always achieve it.
You may want to supplement your diet with folic acid, as this can help to prevent constipation. Folic acid is included in most multivitamins, or you can take folic acid supplements.
Another natural remedy that many people use to prevent constipation is aloe vera juice. Aloe vera has many other health benefits as well.
Consider how much exercise you are getting at present. Exercise is a great way to prevent constipation because it keeps "everything moving," including your digestive tract.
If you are an avid tea drinker, you might want to add ginger tea to your daily routine as it has been found to prevent constipation in some individuals.
Other people like to supplement with apple pectin, as they feel this helps them to prevent constipation, so you may want to consider using this method.
When it comes to over the counter constipation medications, some of the best ones are fiber supplements like Metamucil. Colace is another one of the more popular constipation medications. It is quite safe and gentle. In fact, pregnant women are allowed to take colace sparingly because it is considered one of the safest and gentlest constipation medications on the market, causing no ill effects for either mother or child. Harsher constipation medications include Ex-lax, which chemically forces the bowels to move.
There are also prescription constipation medications available, and if your constipation problems persist, you may want to discuss this issue with your doctor. For instance, Amitiza is a prescription constipation medication intended to treat certain adults who suffer from chronic constipation, especially when the precise cause of the constipation cannot be determined. (It is also FDA approved for the treatment of certain individuals with IBS.)