About Bloating
Bloating is often a gas buildup located in the stomach and intestines. The problem is often accompanied by abdominal pain. Its intensity can range from mild to intense. It is a feeling that the stomach is larger than usual. After eating a meal gas and pain often is a firm sign of bloating. The most common cause is accumulation of liquids inside the stomach. Other causes of bloating include overeating, lactose intolerance, food allergies, constipation, menstruation and other illnesses. Fatty foods often cause bloating due to a delay in emptying your stomach, and they increase the feeling of fullness. Bloating is sometimes caused by stress in everyday life
Bloating can be a sign of an infection or blockage of the intestine. Some people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, which is a cramp in the stomach and change in the bowel movement. Often the symptoms of this disorder are gas, bloating and diarrhea.The causes of IBS are large meals, ongoing stress, medicines and caffeine. About 75 percent of IBS sufferers are women. Lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest milk sugar, can cause bloating and gas in many people. It is a common disease in adults. Eating fewer dairy products or finding lactose free products helps. Chewing gum contributes to bloating because you swallow air when you chew gum.
Types and Treatments
Different types of bloating require different treatments. Drinking water can help with bloating because it flushes lactose and fat from your body. Certain foods, such as beans, dairy products, cabbage, root vegetables, wheat products, carbonated beverages and fried foods, cause bloating.
Besides medical causes bloating is often caused by eating a diet high in salt and foods such as beans and cabbage. Taking supplements such as calcium can cause bloating in the stomach. The main reason is that food does not get digested or absorbed by the body properly. Certain vegetables cause bloating because the body does not have the right enzymes to digest them. Bloating is often related to the menstrual cycle and hormone levels in women. When hormonal levels are high it often leads to sluggish bowels and constipation. This causes gas, because food is not digested or eliminated quickly enough.
Prevention Solutions
Bloating is often treated with over the counter medications. This is often the route taken by those that do not want to change their diet or consult a physician. If constant gas and bloating are a problem you should consult a doctor to find the cause and proper treatment. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a stronger medication to help you with the bloating. Often bloating medications provide the body with enzymes that help digest sugar in beans and other carbohydrates that cause problems. Some natural ways to relive bloating may be to take a walk or drink a cup of herbal tea such as fennel or mint. If the problem is chronic you should consult a doctor who can help you find a treatment that will help relieve bloating.