How to Cleanse Colon Before a Colonoscopy

In order for a doctor to get a clear picture of your colon, it must be cleaned out. This is done a few different ways. Your doctor will review all of the possible methods with you so that together you can choose the one that is best. Whichever method you use, you will need to make sure you continue with it until your bowels are clear. Only then will you be thoroughly prepared for a colonoscopy.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquids
  • Laxative
  • Enema
  • Golytely
  • Toilet
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      Begin a liquid diet one day before the exam. Some doctors may recommend three days if they do not require you to take any medications that cause you to expel all of your feces. Liquids can be chicken broth, coffee, tea, water, Jell-O and Gatorade.

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      Take a laxative for a few days before the test. Most laxatives are mixed in a glass of water and come in powder form. Depending on the laxative, they can take a few days to begin working. You must take this into consideration so you know how many days ahead of time to start.

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      Use an enema. Enema's can be done at home and they sell kits directly over the counter. A solution is squeezed up into the anus and shortly thereafter the feces are expelled. It can sometimes take more than one enema to do the job.

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      Get Golytely powder from the pharmacy. Your doctor will have to prescribe it. This is prescription strength and will work much quicker than other methods. It will only need to be done the day before the test. Make sure you have no other plans before you begin this because it will keep you on the toilet.

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      Combine Phospho-soda with some water and drink up. Phospho-soda can be bought over the counter and sometimes must be combined with an enema. Your doctor will tell you how much to take as it is determined by your weight.

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