How to Treat Gas Stomach Pain
Gas Pain Causes
It's common for your body to produce 1/8 to 1/2 gallon of gas daily. Having gas in the abdominal area doesn't pose any risk to your health, but it can be very painful and embarrassing. Gas builds up in the digestive tract as the result of two factors -- the breakdown of certain foods you've consumed or swallowing air as you drink or eat too fast, smoke or chew gum. The gas itself is odorless; the bacteria living in the intestines causes passed gas to smell.
Symptoms of Gas Pain
Abdominal discomfort or pain are two of the more unpleasant symptoms experienced when you have gas in the digestive tract. Occasionally, gas pain can be severe enough to cause you to clutch your side or double over. On the more embarrassing side of abdominal gas pressure symptoms are belching and passing gas. No one wants to be humiliated by passing gas in the presence of others, but it's actually normal to experience flatulence 14 to 23 times daily. Abdominal bloating is another symptom of gas, and can cause overall discomfort.
Relieving Gas Pain
In the midst of a gas pain you may not even feel like moving, but one of the best remedies to treat gas is moderate exercise. Thirty minutes of brisk walking or biking can help move the gas through your digestive tract and out of your body to relieve pressure and pain. An over-the-counter gas eliminating medication can also help you ease symptoms and get rid of gas. Lemon balm or peppermint tea provide natural remedies to relieve gas pain.
Preventative Action
Preventative measures can help you avoid gas pains or at least reduce their occurrence. The reduction of high fat foods in your diet can help reduce gas buildup, as can cutting down on foods known to lead to gas, such as cabbage, legumes and broccoli. It's also wise to eat slowly and drink non-carbonated beverages. If you have problems with dairy foods, switching to lactose-free products can help you lessen gas in the digestive tract.