How to Give Your Baby Gas Relief
Reduce the amount of air that your baby swallows. You can accomplish this by making sure your baby is positioned the correct way during feedings. Breastfed babies should latch on to the areola of the breast rather than the very tip portion of the nipple. This will reduce the amount of air your baby takes in. Bottle fed babies should suck on the wide base portion of the nipple. Hold the bottle at a 45 degree angle. This will send the air to the bottom of the bottle.
Avoid foods that can cause your baby to have gas. This is one of the easiest ways to give your breastfed baby gas relief. Foods such as wheat, raw vegetables, dairy products, and cabbage can upset a baby's stomach. Also, peanuts, and drinks that contain caffeine can cause infant gas.
Limit the amount of milk your baby gets during feedings. This applies to both breastfed and bottle fed babies. Feed your baby smaller amounts, but make the feedings more frequent. Hold your baby up in a sitting position for at least 30 minutes after each feeding. This will help the baby digest the milk or formula better. Lactose that is not properly digested can cause gas.
Help your baby get rid of gas. Give your baby gas relief by burping him or her. This can be done by placing the baby on your knee or shoulder. One method that works really well is to lean the baby forward on your lap. Rest the baby's stomach on one of your hands and pat the baby's back with the other. Use a glycerin suppository to see if your baby is constipated. Place it inside the baby's rectum. This can help ease the constipation and release gas from the intestines.