How to Get Rid of Bloating
First, some causes: overeating, diverticulosis, food allergy or intolerance, gaseous foods, menstruation, or constipation.
The best way to get rid of bloating is to first determine what is causing it. If you have a history of bloating from overeating, learn to pace your meals better. Drink plenty of water. It's healthier to eat two smaller meals than one large one.
Another tip to get rid of bloating: take a digestive enzyme with each meal. You can find them in a health store. Try lipase, protease, and amylase. These method provides relief for those whose bloating is a result from a problem with their digestive track, such as diverticulosis.
If you seem to become more bloated after eating certain foods, you may want to get testing done to see if you have a food allergy. If so, avoid those foods. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, and milk. If you don't test positive for food allergies, you may just have a food intolerance. Avoid gaseous foods as they can cause bloating too.
Menstruation can cause bloating. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night. Also, exercising can actually help, not only with bloating but with menstruation cramps as well (I know this sounds backwards but it really does help!).
If you are constipated as well as bloated, take some fiber. Eat some veggies or some oatmeal. Once you pass stool, you'll feel much better and your bloating should be gone.
Some other tips: drink better of water. It will flush out your system and aid with digestion. Also avoid alcohol and caffeine. Eat more fruits, veggies, and foods high in fiber. Finally, chew your food. The larger the piece you swallow, the harder your stomach and digestive track have to work which can aggravate bloating.