About GNC Colon Cleanses
GNC offers over a dozen different types of colon cleansing products GNC. These products are categorized based on their ingredients, efficiency and strength. The Original Colon Cleanse by Health Plus Inc. and GNC Preventive Nutrition Complete Body Cleansing Program products are two of the most popular colon cleansers GNC offers. GNC colon cleansers are available in three different formats. These include pill, liquid and powder forms. The strength of the products is not in how they are consumed, but in their ingredients. The majority of GNC colon cleansers are in pill formats, which require you to consume a certain number of pills during a specified time frame.
Time Frame
Depending on the exact colon cleanse you choose, the time frame for its properties to begin working will vary. On average, GNC colon cleanses will begin working within 48 hours of your first dose. The duration of the treatment solely depends on the product you are using; however, a standard GNC colon cleanse treatment lasts one to two weeks.
A colon cleanse will gently remove impacted fecal matter from the walls of your colon. Impacted fecal matter suppresses your colon's ability to absorb water and minerals and prevents it from sustaining the natural balance of enzymes. If you don't cleanse out your colon, toxins can build up and spread to various parts of your body, causing health complications, such as acne, irritable bowel syndrome, bad breath and most commonly, constipation.
To begin a colon cleanse, start by changing your diet. Consume high fiber foods low in sugars. Drink plenty of water. divide your weight in half--the resulting number will indicate how many ounces of water to drink per day. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you will need to drink 90 ounces of pure water each day. Ask your doctor about the appropriate GNC colon cleanse product for you.
Most of the GNC colon cleanse products contain an adequate amount of iron supplementation. For children under the age of six, overdoses in iron can be fatal; thus your doctor must closely monitor any cleansing process for children under six. If you develop diarrhea or abdominal cramps, stop using any GNC colon cleanse product, and if the problem continues, visit your doctor immediately. Certain physician believe that colon cleansing can disrupt the natural balance of enzymes and bacteria within your intestines. Disturbing the natural balance within your colon can occur through colon cleansing, thus it is vital that you discuss colon cleansing with your doctor prior to beginning a regime.