About Digital Disimpaction and Rectal Bleeding
Constipation is generally not something you talk about with friends. It is uncomfortable and embarrassing, but also potentially dangerous if left untreated. Severe constipation can trigger rectal bleeding, nausea, vomiting and pain or swelling in the abdomen. Chronic constipation can even lead to an impacted bowel, which can be life threatening. While you may not like to admit you are having problems with constipation, doing so will not only save you pain and suffering but can actually save your life.
One of the scariest side effects of chronic constipation is rectal bleeding. Rectal bleeding can be the result of straining too hard to have a bowel movement, and can also occur when hard stool tears the digestive tract lining as it passes. Chronic constipation can lead to rectal ulcers, which may also bleed. Regardless of the cause, any rectal bleeding should immediately be checked out by your doctor. Other warning signs that need immediate attention are vomiting, fever, thin black stools or abdominal pain, all of which may be indicators of a more serious disorder.
Some people may require a procedure called digital disimpaction to relieve their constipation. In order to allow the stool to pass, a doctor or nurse inserts a lubricated, gloved finger and attempts to free up the hard stool. This approach usually gets most of the stool out of the way so that the rest can pass as normal, providing much-needed relief. However, other approaches may also be necessary. These include the use of enemas and suppositories. While digital disimpaction may be a one-time occurrence, some individuals with chronic constipation require it on a routine basis.
Digital disimpaction and rectal bleeding can be avoided. While some people live with chronic constipation, most of us can save ourselves by following some simple guidelines. First, make sure you are well hydrated. Drink lots of water during the day, and avoid too much coffee or soda, which can have the opposite effect. Next, eat foods high in fiber. These include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and high-fiber cereals. If you have trouble getting enough fiber in your diet, there are plenty of supplements on the market that encourage regularity. Finally, exercise. Movement encourages the digestive tract to process its contents more efficiently.
If your constipation is so severe that you are experiencing rectal bleeding or regularly requiring digital disimpaction, you may have something more serious than run-of-the-mill constipation. This includes irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal nerve damage, a colon or bowel obstruction or even cancer. Don't keep quiet about rectal bleeding or the need to perform digital disimpaction. Discuss it with your doctor sooner rather than later.