About Liver and Gallbladder Flushing
There are many flushing options and you must research to find the one that is right for you, but one type of liver and gallbladder flushing is apple juice fasting. Prepare your liver and gallbladder for the flush. Take 1 tbsp. of the Chinese herb, Cold Coin Grass, once a day for 2 to 3 weeks. If you are constipated, clean out your intestines with a mixture of Bentonite clay and psyllium husks. Soak 1 tbsp. of the clay in 1 cup of water for 12 hours. Add 1 tbsp. of psyllium husks to the clay and stir it together. Consume the entire mixture, along with 1 cup of warm water, before bed. Drink 2 cups of water first thing in the morning, and repeat the entire procedure until you are no longer constipated. If you have no constipation problems to begin with, skip this step.
On day one of the flush, drink 2 cups of room-temperature apple juice every 2 hours for 12 hours. You can also drink water, but you should not eat any food during this fasting period. On day two, follow the same procedure. At the end of day two, drink a mixture of ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil and ½ cup lemon juice. Go to bed, and sleep on your right side. On day three, drink a mixture of 4 cups warm, filtered water and two teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt. Wait for 30 minutes and then introduce broth and soft, cooked vegetables back in the diet. If you don't pass all the gallbladder stones, you may need to decongest the liver prior to your next flushing. Do this by taking Chinese Bitters, in addition to Cold Coin Grass.
Time Frame
You can do a liver and gallbladder flush as much as every two months or as little as twice a year. If you have a lot of gallbladder stones, you will need to do several flushes before you are completely stone-free. If you try to do a flush too soon after your last one, the stones might not be ready to come out and you efforts will be wasted. To maintain healthy liver and gallbladder function, plan to do at least two flushes a year.
After you do a liver and gallbladder flush, any abdominal discomfort and pain associated with gallbladder stones should disappear for a short time. Your gallbladder will then contract any old gallbladder stones to the front, and you should be able to expel those during your next attempt. When flushing, you will have watery stool. This is actually your liver flushing out old bile.
People who do regular liver and gallbladder flushing report less discomfort associated with a congested liver and gallbladder stones. Flushing relieves abdominal pain, as well as pain that radiates to the neck, back, shoulder and chest. Regular flushing also decreases the chance of infection of the bile duct or gallbladder. You might also notice a decrease in acne, acid reflux, allergies, indigestion, fatigue and high cholesterol.
Due to the high sugar content of apple juice, anyone with diabetes, cancer, hypoglycemia, stomach ulcers or who is prone to yeast infections should not drink excessive amounts of apple juice. Substitute 1000 to 2000 milligrams of malic acid in capsule or powder form, and drink with 2 cups warm water. Of course the key to maintaining healthy organ function is to eat a well-balance diet. Avoid high-fat, deep-fried and refined sugars in your food. As with any diet or detoxification program, you should seek the advice of your healthcare professional.