What Are the Symptoms of Candida?
Candida is often the result of overconsumption of yeasted foods such as pizza, bread or beer, and cheese which has mold on the rind. Exposure to moldy environments may also contribute to developing a candida infection. Taking a course of antibiotics can also bring about Candida, as antibiotics kill off the friendly flora in the gut that normally would fight this infection.
Candida albicans is a fungal infection that occurs when a body's normal friendly flora in the gastrointestinal tract are destroyed. Women may experience a vaginal yeast infection; men and women may experience weight gain or loss, chronic fatigue, joint pain, a constant craving for sweet foods, low energy levels, rashes and itching, depression and long-term fatigue.
Left untreated, many people with Candida albicans infections develop leaky gut syndrome, where the infection interferes with digestion. The unfriendly bacterial infection can spread into the digestive tract, allowing undigested proteins and toxins to enter the bloodstream.
The cure for Candida includes diet and lifestyle changes. Eating yogurt and taking probiotic supplements containing lactobacillus acidophilius and avoiding yeasted or moldy foods such as bread, pizza, beer and cheese, can help eliminate Candida symptoms.
If you have chronic illnesses for which your doctor prescribes antibiotics and you also eat a diet rich in yeasted foods, you may be more prone to Candida. Living in humid environments or being exposed to mold also can predispose you to candida.
Changing immediately into dry clothing after bathing, swimming or exercising is important to keep the infection from spreading as it thrives in moist, wet areas of the body.
If you take a course of antibiotics, follow it with eating yogurt with live cultures of lactobacillus acidophius, or take probiotic supplements containing the same. Avoid eating yeasted foods and moldy foods such as mushrooms, cheese or leftovers (which may harbor micro molds). Wear clothing that allows the body to breathe, such as sandals, open sleeves and necklines.
Avoid remaining in damp clothing after swimming or exercising; shower and change into dry, clean clothes as soon as possible.
Many people believe Candida is primarily a women's health issue, as it is often identified as a vaginal yeast infection. While this is true, many men can have Candida symptoms as well.
Reducing use of antibiotics and consumption of fruits, sugar of any kind, yeasted and moldy foods and environments, can help reduce the incidence of Candida infections.
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