What Is a Candida Cleanse?
Overconsumption of yeasted foods such as breads and beer, and eating foods such as fruits, cheese and mushrooms can worsen this condition. The use of antibiotics can also create conditions for Candida albicans by killing off the friendly flora that keep unfriendly flora at bay.
A candida albicans cleanse can include eliminating these food groups and supplementing with probiotics, which help the colonize the friendly bacterial gut.
A Candida albicans cleanse is designed to help restore homeostasis in the gastrointestinal system. Candida albicans symptoms include yeast infection, a feeling of mental fogginess, chronic fatigue, malaise and depression.
According to the National Institutes of Health, both men and women may develop Candida albicans, and those with HIV or AIDS may also develop Candida in the mouth, throat and on the skin.
A Candida cleanse will include eating yogurt with live cultures that contain lactobacillus acidophilus or taking probiotic supplements that contain the same live cultures.
Nutrition and lifestyle habits can help cleanse the body of Candida albicans. As a yeast overgrowth, Candida survives in moist environments, so it is recommended people wear dry clothing after bathing and swimming.
Foods such as breads and beer made with yeast, and foods such as cheese (with molds present) as well as leftover foods that may harbor micro molds, need to be avoided. Raw fruits, sugars of any kind should also be kept to a minimum.
Most doctors target women as having Candida, but many men can also have this infection. Taking a course of antibiotics often precludes a Candida albicans infection--antibiotics kill off all bacteria in the gut, including the friendly flora that would normally keep Candida albicans in check. Every individual has millions of bacteria in the gut to help digest foods.
The greatest misconception is that Candida albicans is a primarily a women's health issue, as it is generally defined as a yeast infection. Men are just as likely to have this infection if they overconsume yeasted breads, beer, pizza, eat cheese and take a course of antibiotics.
Candida albicans can be spread through sexual intercourse. If you think you may have it, use barrier methods during intercourse or refrain from sexual activity until you have conducted a Candida albicans cleanse first.
Changing eating and lifestyle habits often clears the Candida infection.