How to Get Rid of Abdominal Pain
Take an over-the-counter medication to relieve gas. Often times, abdominal pain is caused by excessive intestinal gas. Several factors can contribute to gas such as constipation. However, most people experience gas symptoms after eating a meal. Although the pain normally subsides on it's own, medications such as Gas-X and Mylanta can quickly ease symptoms and eliminate pain.
Treat constipation. The stomach is sensitive, and dealing with a stressful situation can slow intestinal contractions and cause constipation. In turn, constipation can lead to minor or severe abdominal pain. Taking a laxative can treat constipation. Additionally, there are natural treatments, such as drinking plenty of water, increasing fiber intake, exercise and learning stress management techniques.
Stay away from dairy. Having irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance can cause stomach pain. In both cases, eating dairy products such as milk and cheese can intensify symptoms. Keep a food journal and see whether dairy is the culprit. If so, cut out dairy foods or take a digestive enzyme prior to eating dairy foods.
Relax the abdominal muscles. Abdominal workouts such as Pilates and sit-ups can cause the stomach muscles to tighten and ache. This type of pain is short-lived. However, it's wise to rest the abdominal muscles until the pain stops. Also, apply a heating pad or sit in a warm bath. This can help stop inflammation and ease pain.
See a doctor. Diagnosing the cause of chronic abdominal pain is tricky. But if pain doesn't stop within a few days, it's time to see a doctor. The cause can be a digestive condition such as Celiac disease or Crohn's disease; or a gynecological disorder such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis.